Member-only story
Materially Wealthy, Spiritually Poor
There was this couple who showed up to a charity event in their Ferrari. This same couple did not acknowledge the valet guy and tried to buy one plate versus two plates.
I…. had… no….words.
My date at the time told me they were known to be cheap skates. And that wasn’t their only Ferrari. Oy vey.
This got me thinking about our inner wealth versus our outer wealth. There is grave uncertainty happening outside of all of us, all around the world. There has been a shift of normality to six plus magnitude earthquakes and a pandemic of fear washing over countries similar to waves lapping against the shore at sunset.
To keep calm in the middle of chaos is an art of continual self development.
How many people do you know can keep calm in the middle of chaos? How many people do you see on your social media freaking out or after these past few days, at Costco? Detaching ourselves from the news to protect our mental health is a good thing. Detaching ourselves from social media is even better.
I don’t know how to say this without ruffling some feathers, so I’ll just say it for the layperson.
The time has come for the shift to accelerate in our world. Time is something linear for humans…