Member-only story
Some Encouraging Words During This Time
For whoever needs to hear this.
You’re doing the best you can. It’s tough, this moment in time and that’s all it is, a moment in time. There’s so many things out of our control at this moment and we’ve been given this wonderful blessing to re-evaluate all the good in our lives.
Take it one breath, one hour and one day at a time. Give yourself room to breathe and enjoy the moments in your life.
If you need help in any shape or fashion, reach out to a friend, family member, a healthcare professional, a healer, or a colleague and the like.
Many of us are letting our waistlines go, but please be mindful of your mental and emotional states. Don’t let these stray off and go too far under.
We’re all in the same boat and feeling the same way. No egos needed at this time, go ahead, set it aside and ask for assistance.
You’re worth it, you know that? You’re worth inner joy and unconditional love. Maybe somewhere along the way you got sidetracked from your true purpose or inner self, but all is said and done and you can begin again today. You can always begin again.
If you woke up this morning and took a deep breath, you’re already doing better than most. Everything else is the cherry on top.
You deserve love from the inside out. I know you do. Now, it’s up to you to believe you do too ♥.
Shaman Dao is the creator of The Quantum Why Meditation, an effective blueprint for discovering another level of self-greatness and awareness. Subscribe to her email list to access valuable insights and to read more of her private thoughts.