Member-only story
The Releasement of Fear
To ascend, one must let go. You must let go of fear, obligation, shame, guilt, sadness, anger. Let go of the simmering emotions which boil over periodically.
You must let go.
Many are looking to ascend right now. Their minds float in the sky as their feet lift off the ground. Rooted in never, neverland. Oblivious to the hard work of releasement of all things holding them back.
A hot air balloon of self, heated from within, rising, tethered to the ground. Tethered by their fear, sadness, anger, and guilt. Anchored in deep, with no one but themselves to blame.
They blast more flame to heat the air directly, rising, rising, more, more.
All the while, attached to their experiences, beliefs, limiting beliefs, misperceptions, and perceptions of their existence.
Before lifting off the ground, do the work. Unhook the fear. Dive into the abyss of sadness to detach. Free yourself from the shame, liberate yourself from your anger.
When you do, it’ll be worth it as Mother Gaia will guide you with her winds. To all the wonders of our world. There will be no need to be afraid anymore, you will be safe. You are safe. You are loved.
Shaman Dao is the creator of The Quantum Why Meditation, an effective blueprint for discovering another level of self-greatness and awareness. Subscribe to her email list to access valuable insights and to read more of her private thoughts.