Why Spiritual Grounding is Important

Shaman Dao
4 min readApr 14, 2020
Photo by Nick Page on Unsplash

Every time I would fly back home to Southern California, one of my best friends would tell me about the latest spiritual craze. Microdosing mushrooms on the full moon, smoking marijuana before, during and after a shamanic circle led by a certificate shaman. I would always take it with a grain of salt and ask about her feedback on all these types of hour gatherings.

“They’re okay. Last time the guy who led told us at the end he didn’t even want to be there. He could have not said that I mean what was that, right?” she scoffed over our Vietnamese vegan spring rolls. A ritual we would have when I come to visit.

I think about the energy transmitted in these types of circles and the lost identities trying to find purpose in the latest trends. Spirituality has become a trend and I don’t look at Los Angeles anymore as The City of Angels, but more so of The City of Lost Angels.

Last I heard was that over ten thousand people come to Los Angeles from other parts of the States and the world to ‘make it’ in the music/movie/television industry. Ten thousand souls with a fraction who know who they truly are, what they want and whom are grounded in their integrity. The…



Shaman Dao
Shaman Dao

Written by Shaman Dao

I write about practical spirituality and things that go bump in the night. Find out your ‘why’ with The Quantum Why Meditation https://www.shamandao.com/links

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